北美妇女联合总会作为一个经加拿大联邦及卑诗省政府批准的非盈利性民间社会团体,经历二十一年的积淀成长,如今已成为具有广泛影响力的北美华人社团之一。她的形成源自于2002年9月11日创建的温哥华华人妇女协会,此后于 2015 年1月14日更名为加拿大华人妇女联合会,2023年 5月11日更名为北美妇女联合总会。



Founded in Vancouver in 2002, United Global Chinese Women’s Association of Canada (UGCWAC), is a registered non-profit and non-political organization in Canada.
Our mission is to build up a platform for women to integrate into society, to live, to learn and work successfully and to encourage civic responsibility to benefit the local community and the nation.
It has been 18 years since we launched the Outstanding Women and Mothers Awards program. Since then,hundreds of female leaders have been honored for their significant contributions to our community; this program also encourages more and more women become role models in different fields through their outstanding leadership, sustained dedication, and inspiring achievements.

守望相助 扩大联盟
团结奋进 快乐生活

As the 9th Board of Directors of UGCWAC, we will always work hard to contribute to our society and community by empowering more and more women and mothers with children to achieve their goals at work , to live a meaningful life; Also we will promote exchanges and cooperation with other women’s associations in Canada, China and the U.S.